Overall it's looking real nice. Some minor issues listed below that you can address...
I like the pattern in the background. A nice surprise when I opened your blog. Makes the site lively. But, maybe scale down just a tad.
Homepage: The excerpt is great intro - but being aligned with the nav (on the same horizontal lines) I expect some kind of conceptual connection to be drawn. Can you rearrange the nav to make some connection? Or tighten up the text so it doesn't align to the nav bars.
2nd page: The only issue I see is that the over/active state has a white gap on the right end of the bar, which seems a bit odd or like a mistake.
What do the over (hover) states look like in the nav and the sub nav? You could play off of the bar form again there.
Terms: The left right arrows in concept and function are great. But, form still needs refinement. They just aren't matching the rest of the site.
Overall it's looking real nice. Some minor issues listed below that you can address...
I like the pattern in the background. A nice surprise when I opened your blog. Makes the site lively. But, maybe scale down just a tad.
The excerpt is great intro - but being aligned with the nav (on the same horizontal lines) I expect some kind of conceptual connection to be drawn. Can you rearrange the nav to make some connection? Or tighten up the text so it doesn't align to the nav bars.
2nd page:
The only issue I see is that the over/active state has a white gap on the right end of the bar, which seems a bit odd or like a mistake.
What do the over (hover) states look like in the nav and the sub nav? You could play off of the bar form again there.
The left right arrows in concept and function are great. But, form still needs refinement. They just aren't matching the rest of the site.
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